Friday, October 7, 2011

Teen Read Week

Teen Read Week is a great time to celebrate our love for reading.  Check out the fun events that we have planned:

  • Fill out a book suggestion form.  Is there a book that you want everyone to read?  Share it!  Book suggestion forms can be picked up in the library or printed from the MSIS library website.  Each person who submits a book suggestion form will be entered into a raffle for prizes.  Your suggestion will be a part of an upcoming library bulletin board, so be prepared to have your picture taken when you turn in your form too!
  • Picture the character trivia contest.  Listen each day this week to the announcements for a book character clue.  If you know the name of the book character being described, submit your answer to the library.  Each day we will draw winners for prizes.
  • Library comic contest.  Use a comic creator website such as Make Beliefs Comix ( or draw your own to create a comic strip that has something to do with reading, books, or the library.  The top three entries will each receive a Scholastic Book Fair gift certificate.  All entries are due by 3:00 on Friday, October 21.  Winners will be announced the following Monday. 
  •  Our library has a new blog to keep you up-to-date on what is new and exciting!  Visit our blog, What’s Up in Your LMC ( and add a comment to any post.  For every appropriate and relevant comment that you add, your name will be entered into a drawing for prizes.  Winners will be drawn on Friday, October 21.  Please remember to add your name to be eligible for prizes.


    1. This is an awesome blog.

    2. You have a lot of good stuff on here.

    3. You have a picture of them doing that fake research site don"t you.

    4. I love the book fair choices.

    5. Yes, Keegan, the picture is of the kids on that fake research site :)

    6. What are the prizes?
